Thursday, May 5, 2016

Busted in Herkimer

another one from my old room bulletin board...

A saved Bus Ticket from Utica to Schenectady? Why?

Well, one Thanksgiving, a fellow college Student (initials P.A.), who was also from my home town, convinced me to hitchhike home from Ithaca rather than take a bus (this was my pre-car days).

Despite my half-hearted pleas and warnings that hitchhiking on the Interstate was illegal, my stubbornly confident fellow traveler convinced me it would be “no problem… I’ve done it before… a piece of cake… it will be fun” - so I reluctantly agreed, actually eager for a new adventure.

I can’t remember all the travel details but after of couple of rides, we were dropped off near Herkimer, NY on the Thruway. I of course was dressed like a bum with a long-green worn-out Salvation Army coat and carrying my trombone case (which I believe had all my clothes stuffed in it).

It didn’t take long for a police car to pull up and kindly escort us off to the local precinct: Herkimer.  I think we got off with just a warning--not a ticket or fine--and ended up at the Herkimer Bus Station. From there we had to take a local bus to Utica where we picked up a Greyhound on to Schenectady.

Calling my parents from Herkimer informing them of my escapade was not a happy moment. :-) Needless to say, I saved this old bus ticket as a crazy reminder of that exploit.

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